We take pride in each and every one of our pupils at the Academy, and know that they are equally proud to be wearing their uniforms.
Why do we have a uniform?
We recognise the value of having academy uniforms for the following reasons:
· Inclusion – uniforms promote our belief of inclusion for all
· A sense of belonging – the uniform promotes a sense of belonging in each student, academy and the Trust
· Safety – if all the students in our Trust wear a clearly recognisable, correctly branded uniform it is easy to identify strangers in the academy. On the way to and from the academy it also affords a degree of safety as the students are part of a large body of young people who will look out for each other
· Preparation for the future – many jobs require staff to wear a uniform and even if there isn’t a uniform there is often a dress code. Uniform helps young people get used to dressing to a prescribed standard. It also helps them know the difference between formal and informal dress
· Value for money – good quality uniform should be seen as effective value for money by most parents / carers
· Relieves students from fashion ‘stress’ – a localised academy uniform eliminates the stress placed on students to purchase and wear expensive, fashionable items
· A sense of pride – we all feel proud of our young people when they are well dressed in the uniform. Uniform and PE/sport kits also help students to demonstrate pride in their academy
· Helps raise aspirations – the smarter you feel the more you believe you can achieve
Branded jumpers and cardigans can be purchased from Zutti Oldham, 81-83 Yorkshire Street, Oldham, OL1 3ST or via their website at https://www.zuttischools.com/product-category/oasis-academy-limeside/.
Branded jumpers and cardigans can also be purchased from Debonair Oldham, Market Hall, 15 Albion Street, Oldham, OL1 3BG.
It is no longer compulsory to wear branded school uniform; plain red jumpers and cardigans can be worn if you wish.
Uniform Requirements
Our uniform consists of: |
All year /seasonal |
White Polo t-shirt | All year |
Red sweatshirt/cardigan (branded or non-branded) | All year |
Black trousers, shorts, skirts, pinafore dresses or red and white gingham dresses (skirts, pinafores and gingham dresses must be knee-length) | Seasonal |
Plain white t-shirt, black shorts and black plimsolls for PE lessons | All year |
Waterproof coat | All year |
Warm coat | Seasonal |
Smart all black shoes (no colour on them) - no heels, fashion boots or trainers | All year |
Black or white socks/tights | All year |
Backpack for school homework and iPad |
All year |
Water bottle | All year |
Spare clothes (for Nursery and Little Wizards) | All year |
Trainers should not be worn in the Academy, although they can be brought to the Academy for use at playtimes and lunchtimes in Key Stage 2.
Preloved Uniform Shop
To support parents with the cost of school uniform we have a pre-loved uniform shop, hosted through Uniformd. If you have pre-loved uniform to donate to the shop, please speak to the office.
Sports Uniform
Children need black shorts and a white t-shirt for indoor PE. They require black pumps.
For outside PE children should bring trainers. They may bring black tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts or track suit tops as the weather gets colder.
Trainers can also be used daily for lunchtime sports for Key Stage 2 children.
Jewellery is not permitted, except for children with pierced ears, who may wear studs on those days when they do not have swimming or PE. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons. If a child’s ears have very recently been pierced they may wear their studs provided that they are covered with tape by parents/carers, before they come to the Academy. Once the lesson is over they may remove the tape.
A normal watch may be worn once a child is able to use it correctly. This must be removed for PE lessons. Children with long hair should tie it up. This is essential for PE lessons.
Personal Property
Items of personal property should not be brought into the Academy unless there is a special reason arranged by a member of staff. If older children require mobile phones for safety reasons when making their own way home, they should be handed into the main office on arrival. The Academy accepts no liability for the loss of personal possessions. All belongings, including all items of Academy uniform should be clearly labelled.